Hodnotenie CHARLIEHO ANDÍLCI Steelbook™ Limitovaná sběratelská edice + DÁREK fólie na SteelBook™ (4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray)

Celkom hodnotenie: 4 Priemerné hod.:  Posledný príspevok:13.8.2024
Užívateľ z e-shopu Thomas D. | 13.8.2024 10:40

Steelbook je tradičně pěkný, solidní potisk, stejně tak potisk disků v pohodě. Krabička trůní v papírovém rukávu - vše tak jak to má být, žádné výhrady. Menu disků je jednoduché, vkusné.

Videu nelze nic vytknout, coloristé odvedli skvělou práci, komprese je bez chyby - pokud máte kvalitní televizi, užijete si skvělý obraz.

Český zvuk tradičně neposlouchám, takže ani nehodnotím. Anglický originál zní dobře, 5.1 mix je velmi povedený - ale jen v DVDčkovém DD5.1, když film je natočen v Dolby ATMOS? Disney si z nás dělá srandu - za to jde hvězda dolů, protože od SW filmu očekávám nekompromisní technickou kvalitu, v zásadě referenční disk.

Nálož bonusů je více než dostatenčná, prostor separátního bonus disku je dobře využit. Velmi těší české titulky - tak to má vypadat.

Kvalita filmu samotného, to už je jiná pohádka - dle mého názoru množství WTF momentů přesáhlo rozumnou mez a nezachrání to ani návrat Císaře Palpatina a Lando Calrissiana. Nicméně pro každého SW fandu je to povinná položka ve sbírce, takže co se dá dělat.

Užívateľ z e-shopu Dominik B. | 19.3.2023 11:45

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Film bol doručený bez akéhokoľvek poškodenia v originálnom stave.
Skvelo zabalený film v hrubom polystyrénovom obale 100% spokojnosť 👍

Užívateľ z e-shopu Edwin P. | 6.11.2021 13:37


I have been your client for several years. When you announced that Limited Edition movie items are available for purchase, I always got a link with the option to pay. However, I have recently submitted a purchase request several times and I never receive such information, despite the fact that I am sending you information about the willingness to buy. This was also the case with the Predator, I sent you the desire to buy the 5th edition of the Predator and I see that I did not get the chance to buy at least one of the versions. My mother and my son also have an account with you and the situation is the same. What is the reason for this, please explain. Thank you.



I have been your client for several years. When you announced that Limited Edition movie items are available for purchase, I always got a link with the option to pay. However, I have recently submitted a purchase request several times and I never receive such information, despite the fact that I am sending you information about the willingness to buy. This was also the case with the Predator, I sent you the desire to buy the 5th edition of the Predator and I see that I did not get the chance to buy at least one of the versions. My mother and my son also have an account with you and the situation is the same. What is the reason for this, please explain. Thank you.



I have been your client for several years. When you announced that Limited Edition movie items are available for purchase, I always got a link with the option to pay. However, I have recently submitted a purchase request several times and I never receive such information, despite the fact that I am sending you information about the willingness to buy. This was also the case with the Predator, I sent you the desire to buy the 5th edition of the Predator and I see that I did not get the chance to buy at least one of the versions. My mother and my son also have an account with you and the situation is the same. What is the reason for this, please explain. Thank you.



I have been your client for several years. When you announced that Limited Edition movie items are available for purchase, I always got a link with the option to pay. However, I have recently submitted a purchase request several times and I never receive such information, despite the fact that I am sending you information about the willingness to buy. This was also the case with the Predator, I sent you the desire to buy the 5th edition of the Predator and I see that I did not get the chance to buy at least one of the versions. My mother and my son also have an account with you and the situation is the same. What is the reason for this, please explain. Thank you.



I have been your client for several years. When you announced that Limited Edition movie items are available for purchase, I always got a link with the option to pay. However, I have recently submitted a purchase request several times and I never receive such information, despite the fact that I am sending you information about the willingness to buy. This was also the case with the Predator, I sent you the desire to buy the 5th edition of the Predator and I see that I did not get the chance to buy at least one of the versions. My mother and my son also have an account with you and the situation is the same. What is the reason for this, please explain. Thank you.


Užívateľ z e-shopu Šimon H. | 13.7.2021 11:52

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